Retailers and other end distributors (Collectors)
Your work in the German retail sector ensures that everything runs smoothly for consumers when shopping and that everyday items remain available. It doesn't matter whether you work for a large discount store, in a small corner shop or at the kiosk around the corner: Your customers appreciate your local supply offer - even when it comes to buying and returning beverage packaging that is subject to a deposit. As one of the most important players in the DPG one-way deposit system, we are happy to advise you on your rights and obligations as a collector of deposit-worthy one-way beverage packaging and show you how you, as a participant of the DPG System and authorised Refund Claimant, can make the best possible use of our reliable system of deposit settlement.
This is important for you.
- For all suppliers of beverages in one-way beverage packaging subject to the mandatory deposit - addressed in the DPG System under “Retailers and other end distributors” or “Collectors” - extensive and legally-required collection obligations apply in Germany.
- The most important basic rule: Each Collector must at the very least accept all one-way beverage packaging subject to the mandatory deposit that is already supplied in their own range, regardless of content or brand, provided it is of the same type of material.
- It does not matter whether the corresponding bottle or can was originally bought from you or whether the corresponding deposit was collected by you. The crux of the matter is that you are obliged to pay out the 25 cents deposit per item of one-way beverage packaging to your customers, without the associated deposit income which would allow you to build up a corresponding reserve.
- This is exactly where the DPG one-way deposit system comes into play and creates the conditions for quick and reliable deposit settlement. Discover everything here.

Your contact for Collectors
Phone: +49 (30) 800 974 390 | Fax: +49 (30) 800 974 191
Registration with the DPG
In principle, every company can participate in the DPG System as Collector and Refund Claimant and organise the collection of one-way beverage packaging that is subject to the mandatory deposit either on its own behalf or for third parties. For this purpose, retailers and other end distributors - as well as all other participants in the DPG one-way deposit process - are required to sign the DGP's Terms and Conditions of Participation, which they use to ensure compliance with the rules of the DPG System. It is primarily a matter of recognising the rights and obligations as set out in the German Packaging Act as well as realising a quick settlement of deposits. The aim of this so-called “deposit clearing” is that those who reimburse end consumers with a deposit can reliably reclaim it from the responsible manufacturer or importer (First Distributor) using a defined standard process.

The DPG registration process -
Explained step by step
Request more information on how to participate in the DPG system here.

Applying to DPG
Organisation of collection
One-way beverage packaging is not intended to be re-filled. A return to the original distributor is therefore not advisable from an economic and ecological point of view. Accordingly labelled one-way beverage packaging should be recycled after being returned by the consumer in order to conserve resources. In order to guarantee this process, product-specific data is saved and processed when taking back any one-way beverage packaging. This potentially happens in two ways: Either via the Reverse Vending Machine-supported collection at discount stores, supermarkets and specialist drinks shops or over the manual withdrawal, preferably in smaller shops or in kiosks/snack bars that send the collected empties to a downstream DPG Sorting Plant.

Product labeling ensures clarity in the deposit process

Marking of beverage packaging in the DPG system
Recycling of recyclable one-way beverage packaging
By 2029, 90 percent of all one-way plastic packaging is to be collected separately for recycling. This is envisaged in the current EU Plastic Products Directive, among others, which, in view of the constantly growing amount of plastic waste, promotes recycling and prevention of entry into landscapes and seas which is harmful to the environment. As the collectors of beverage packaging subject to the mandatory deposit, retailers and other final distributors make a decisive contribution to the success of such future scenarios and at the same time strengthen the existing processes and infrastructures that are already available via the DPG one-way deposit system. All you have to do is take a look at modern sorting and recycling systems to convince yourself of the efficient recycling of innumerable plastic and metal packaging.

Once and always new again -
Ways of Recycling

What happens to the beverage packaging after it is returned by the consumer
Deposit settlement
The DPG one-way deposit system is based on the cooperation or the functioning cycle between those who put one-way beverage packaging into circulation (First Distributors), and those who take it back (Collectors) and duly reimburse the packaging deposit paid in advance by the end consumer. Find out here how and by whom is the deposit initially administered and how is it ultimately returned to the Collectors? In order to relieve themselves of this complex process, all those involved in the process can avail themselves of the help of professional Clearing Service Providers. A collaboration that is always considered and actively supported in the DPG one-way deposit system.